
Prof. Mohammed Atiquzzaman 

University of Oklahoma, US

Title: Satellites as an Enabling Technology for Internet of Things 


Mohammed Atiquzzaman (Senior Member, IEEE) obtained his M.S. and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering and Electronics from the University of Manchester (UK) in 1984 and 1987, respectively.  He currently holds the Edith J Kinney Gaylord Presidential professorship and Hitachi Chair professorship in the School of Computer Science at the University of Oklahoma.

Dr. Atiquzzaman is the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Networks and Computer Applications, the founding Editor-in-Chief of Vehicular Communications, and serves/served on the editorial boards of many journals, including IEEE Transaction on Mobile Computing, IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications,  IEEE Communications Magazine, Real Time Imaging Journal, International Journal of Communication Networks and Distributed Systems and Journal of Sensor Networks. He co-chaired the IEEE High Performance Switching and Routing Symposium (2003, 2011), IEEE Globecom and ICC (2014, 2012, 2010, 2009, 2007, 2006), IEEE VTC (2013)  and the SPIE Quality of Service over Next Generation Data Networks conferences (2001, 2002, 2003). He was the panels co-chair of INFOCOM’05, and is/has been on the program committee of many conferences such as INFOCOM, Globecom, ICCCN, ICCIT, Local Computer Networks, and serves on the review panels at the National Science Foundation. He was the Chair of IEEE Communication Society Technical Committee on Communications Switching and Routing.

Dr. Atiquzzaman received the IEEE Communications Society’s Distinguished Technical Achievement Award,  Satellite and Space Communications Technical Recognition Award, IEEE Communications Society  Distinguished Service Award, IEEE Communication Society’s Fred W. Ellersick Prize, He received the NASA Group Achievement Award for “outstanding work to further NASA Glenn Research Center’s effort in the area of Advanced Communications/Air Traffic Management’s Fiber Optic Signal Distribution for Aeronautical Communications” project. He is the IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer since Jan 2020. He is the co-author of the book “Performance of TCP/IP over ATM networks” and has over 400 refereed publications, available at

His current research interests are in the areas of transport protocols, wireless and mobile networks, ad hoc networks, satellite networks, power-aware networking, and optical communications. His research has been funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), U.S. Air Force, Oklahoma Department of Transportation, Oklahoma Highways Safety Office, Cisco and Honeywell.


Satellites are expected to be an integral part of ubiquitous communications required for implementing the Internet of Things.  Data communications between Earth and spacecrafts, such as satellites, have traditionally been carried out through dedicated links. Shared links using Internet Protocol-based communication offers a number of advantages over dedicated links. The movement of spacecrafts however gives rise to mobility management issues.

This talk will discuss various mobility management solutions for extending the Internet of Things to satellites.  The talk will provide an overview of the network layer based solution being developed by the Internet Engineering Task Force and compare with the transport layer-based solution that has been developed at the University of Oklahoma in conjunction with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for incorporating satellites in the Internet of Things. Network in motion is an extension of the host mobility protocols for managing the mobility of networks that are in motion, such as those in airplanes and trains. The application of networks in motion will be illustrated for both terrestrial and space environments.

Mohammed Atiquzzaman, Ph.D.
Edith J. Kinney Gaylord Presidential Professor,
Hitachi Chair Professor
School of Computer Science
University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK 73019
[email protected]

Prof. Abderrahim Benslimane

University of Avignon, France

Title: Monitoring Internet of Things: challenges and optimizations


Abderrahim Benslimane is Full Professor of Computer-Science at the Avignon University/France since 2001. He is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Technology. He has been nominated in 2020 and in 2022 as IEEE VTS Distinguished Lecturer. He has the French award for Doctoral supervision and Research 2022-2025. He has been an International Expert at the French Ministry of Foreign and European affairs (2012-2016). He served as a coordinator of the Faculty of Engineering and head of the Research Center in Informatics at the French University in Egypt.

He has been nominated IEEE ComSoc Steering chair of Multimedia TC 2022-2024. He is past Chair of the ComSoc Technical Committee of Communication and Information Security 2017-2019. Currently, he is EiC of Inderscience Int. J. of Multimedia Intelligence and Security (IJMIS), Editorial Board of IEEE IoT journal and editorial member of IEEE Transaction on Multimedia, IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, IEEE System Journal, Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, and Springer Wireless Network Journal.

He is co-founder and serves as General-Chair/Steering chair of the IEEE WiMob since 2005. He served as General Chair of IEEE CNS 2020, Executive Forum Co-Chair at IEEE Globecom 2020, Program vice Chair of IEEE TrustCom 2020 and iThings 2020, Symposium co-chair/leader in many IEEE international conferences such as ICC, Globecom, iCoST, MOWNET, AINA, ICNC, WPMC, ICCC and VTC.

He has more than 280 refereed international publications (books, conference proceedings, journals and conferences) and more than 20 Special issues. All publications are in my research topics. He supervised more than 20 Ph.D thesis and more than 42 M.Sc. research thesis.

For more details, see my complete CV:


In Internet of Things (IoT), availability of devices, reliability of communication, Quality of Service (QoS), and security are all essential for the good functioning of applications. Over the time, the state of devices and the overall network may depreciate. This is due to the challenging and failure-prone nature of IoT; consisting of a huge number of heterogeneous and resource-constrained things in terms of memory, communication, energy and computational capabilities.

To ensure robustness, monitoring the network state, performance and functioning of the nodes and links is crucial, especially for critical applications. Safety-critical applications, such as a distributed fire- or burglar-alarm system, require that all sensor nodes are up and functional. Monitoring is also important to measure the trust level of nodes when collaboration is needed.

In this talk, we will introduce all the concept above. So, we will first introduce the Internet of Things, its challenges and the monitoring concept. We will present the Research motivations and objectives for the monitoring. After presenting the stat-of-the-art research on monitoring, we will present our theoretical solutions for monitoring IoT: heuristic, exact and distributed/dynamic solutions. We finish the talk with some future directions.