9th EAI International Conference on Smart Grid and Internet of Things

Mary P. Czerwinski

Partner Research Manager at Microsoft

Nicos Maglaveras

Professor at Aristotle University

SGIoT 2025 Deadlines
Important dates

Full Paper Submission deadline

Notification deadline

Camera-ready deadline

Poster Track

Full Paper Submission deadline

Notification deadline

Camera-ready deadline

Late Track

Full Paper Submission deadline

Notification deadline

Camera-ready deadline

EAI SGIoT 2025

The Internet of Things is the concept of millions of interconnected intelligent devices that communicate with others. The smart grid is an application of the Internet of Things. It is composed of embedded machines, which sense and control the
behavior of the energy world. Driven by countries to promote the upgrading of power grid infrastructure, the global smart
grid market has continued to grow steadily, and the IoT-driven smart grid has become a hot area of research. Therefore, it
is the perfect time to invest in a research initiative, e.g., through our event, in the IoT-dominated smart grid area. The
theme invites ideas on how to achieve more efficient use of resources based on the IoT-based machine-to-machine,
interactions of millions of smart meters and sensors in the smart grid specific communication networks such as home area
networks, building area networks, and neighborhood area networks. The smart grid also encompasses IoT technologies,
which monitor transmission lines, manage substations, integrate renewable energy generation (e.g., solar or wind), and
utilize hybrid vehicle batteries. Through these technologies, the authorities can smartly identify outage problems, and
intelligently schedule the power generation and delivery to the customers. Furthermore, the smart grid should teach us a
valuable lesson that security must be designed in from the start of any IoT deployment. Since there is an alarming lack of
standards to address the protection of the secret keys and/or the life-cycle security of the embedded smart grid devices,
intruders could use conventional attack techniques to breach the security just as in any other IoT deployment

SGIoT conference proceedings received
Total Accesses
0 +
Conference proceedings
Total Accesses
0 +

All registered papers will be submitted for publishing by Springer – LNICST series and made available through SpringerLink Digital Library.

Proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in leading indexing services, such as Web of Science, Compendex, Scopus, DBLP, EU Digital Library, IO-Port, MatchSciNet, Inspec and Zentralblatt MATH

Available Journals

Authors of selected papers will be invited to submit an extended version to:

All accepted authors are eligible to submit an extended version in a fast track of:

Authors have the opportunity to publish their articles in the EAI Endorsed Transactions journal selected by the conference (Scopus, Ei-indexed, ESCI-WoS, Compendex) by paying an additional $150, discounted from the standard $250 rate for conference authors.

The article’s publication is subject to the following requirements:  

  • It must be an extended version of the conference paper with a different title and abstract. In general, 30% of new content must be added.
  • The article will be processed once the conference proceedings have been published.
  • The article will be processed using the fast-track option.
  • Once the conference proceedings are published, the corresponding author should contact us at [email protected] with the details of their article to begin processing.

Additional publication opportunities:

EAI is an open community dedicated to creating an environment where every member receives the same opportunities, benefits and opportunities to develop and grow their research mission and career. As the largest free professional research society in the world EAI offers a complete range of conference proceedings publication opportunities. Based on the qualification of the conference and the conference scope EAI provides the possibility to publish the proceedings for every sponsored conference. Consistent with its mission to support developing communities all EAI sponsored conferences appear in EUDL, the European Union Digital Library (EUDL). EUDL is Open Access and free for EAI members reaching a community of 250,000 subscribers and providing the visibility that allows the conference organizers to develop the conference into a fully fledged indexed proceedings publication in subsequent year.

SGIoT 2025 Venue
Windsor Hotel

Sec. 4
Taiwan Blvd.
Xitun Dist.
Taichung City 407
Taiwan (R.O.C.)


EAI SGIoT 2025
Conference Manager
Veronika Kissova
[email protected]


For inquiries regarding Registration and Camera-ready submission, please refer to this FAQ.

9th EAI International Conference on Smart Grid and Internet of Things

Why Attend?

The Internet of Things is the concept of millions of interconnected intelligent devices that communicate with others. The
smart grid is an application of the Internet of Things. It is composed of embedded machines, which sense and control the
behavior of the energy world. Driven by countries to promote the upgrading of power grid infrastructure, the global smart
grid market has continued to grow steadily, and the IoT-driven smart grid has become a hot area of research. Therefore, it
is the perfect time to invest in a research initiative, e.g., through our event, in the IoT-dominated smart grid area. The
theme invites ideas on how to achieve more efficient use of resources based on the IoT-based machine-to-machine,
interactions of millions of smart meters and sensors in the smart grid specific communication networks such as home area
networks, building area networks, and neighborhood area networks

Social, Workshop & Posters Session


Social Program- Explore Knossos

Knossos Tour: Knossos is a Bronze Age archaeological site in Crete. The site was a major center of the Minoan civilization and is known for its association with the Greek myth of Theseus and the minotaur. It is located on the outskirts of Heraklion, and remains a popular tourist destination.


IOT in Health Research

The workshop focuses on the challenges and opportunities presented by the continuous data acquisition from Internet of Things (IoT) devices, such as smartwatches, fitness trackers, mobile phones, and smart home appliances. 

EAI Pervasive Health 2025 will take place

From 15-17 October 2025 in Eindhoven, the Netherlands.

“PervasiveHealth 2025 will be held in October 2025, in Eindhoven, the Netherlands, hosted by the Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e).

PervasiveHealth is a premier international forum with a specific focus on technologies and human factors related to the use of ubiquitous computing in healthcare and for well-being. PervasiveHealth 2025 will focus on the use of data, AI, and connectivity as creative material for empowering patients, caregivers, and people in general, by integrating technology, materiality, and aesthetic qualities, with particular interest in the impact of technical connectivity on social connectedness and on the behavior changes and societal transformations in healthcare, especially in informal care.

TU/e is the center of one of the most powerful technology hubs in the world: Brainport Eindhoven. Globally, TU/e stands out when it comes to collaborating with advanced industries, including companies such as ASML and Philips. Together with other institutions, It forms a thriving ecosystem with one common aim – to improve quality of life through sustainable innovations.

The conference will be located at Evoluon – a landmark, a museum, and a conference center. The conference will be followed by the Dutch Design Week, an event about Dutch and international design, with exhibitions, studio visits, workshops, and seminars across the city.”

Prof. Jun Hu

Department of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e)

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