Akramul Azim, PhD
Assistant Professor -- Software Engineering , University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
"Disruptive technology: internet of things"
Technology is being adopted by every kind of organization that employs people. With the rise of new and disruptive technologies - internet of things - there is real potential to transform the way we work and live in the world. This talk will discuss the benefits and challenges of internet of things, and help us understand and prepare for the effect and impact disruptive technologies have had - and will have - on all aspects of our lives.
Dr. Azim is an Assistant Professor – Software Engineering, in the Department of Electrical, Computer and Software Engineering at University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), Canada. He is leading the embedded real-time software group at UOIT. Dr. Azim received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo, in the area of embedded real-time software. Before Joining UOIT, Dr. Azim was a research and development software developer at Ericsson Canada.
“IPv6-based IoT and Impact on Smart Grid”
The public IPv4 address space managed by IANA ( https://www.iana.org ) has been completely depleted back in Feb 1st, 2011. This creates by itself a critical challenge when adding new systems and enabling Samart Grid services on the Internet. Without publicly routable IP addressing, the Smart Grid services, and anything that’s part of similar services on the Internet, would be greatly reduced in its capabilities and then limited in its potential success. Most discussions of IP over everything have been based on the illusionary assumption that the IP address space is an unlimited resource or it’s even taken for granted that IP is like oxygen produced for free by nature.
The introduction of IPv6 provides enhanced features that were not tightly designed or scalable in IPv4 like IP mobility, end to end (e2e) connectivity, ad hoc services, etc. IPv6 will be addressing the extreme scenarios where IP becomes a commodity service. This new address platform will enable lower cost network deployment of large scale sensor networks, RFID, IP in the car, to any imaginable scenario where networking adds value to commodity.
IPv6 deployment is now in full swing with some countries achieving over 50% penetration such as Belgium. The US has some 90 Million users using IPv6 without even the users knowing it. Recently, Apple has required its apps developers to use IPv6 only for their apps starting from June 1st, 2016, which is a great shot in the arm of IPv6.
There are many inflections happening this decade to influence the design of the first tangible IoT, 5G, and Smart Grid and Smart Cities. It will be a combination of IoT, SDN-NFV, Cloud Computing, Edge Computing, Big IoT Data, and 5G, to sift through to realizing the paradigm shift from current research-based work to advanced IoT, 5G, and Smart Grids and Smart Cities.
This talk will be devoted to analyze the transformative societal impact of IPv6 on the potential mix of IPv6-based Smart Grid services, Machine Learning, IoT, SDN-NFV, Cloud Computing, Big Data, and 5G and its advanced features, highlighting the challenges and the solutions moving forward.
Founder & President, IPv6 FORUM (www.ipv6forum.org )
Chair, ETSI IPv6 Industry Specification Group : https://portal.etsi.org/tb.aspx?tbid=827&SubTB=827
IEEE Steering Committee Member: 5G, IoT, SDN; and Industry
Chair, IEEE ComSoC IoT subcommittee (https://cms.comsoc.org/eprise/main/SiteGen/TC_IOT/Content/Home.html/ )
Chair, IEEE ComSoC 5G subcommittee (https://cms.comsoc.org/eprise/main/SiteGen/TC_5GMWI/Content/Home.html?refer=18312&Site_Name=TC_5GMWI
Vice Chair, IEEE ComSoC SDN-NFV subcommittee: https://cms.comsoc.org/eprise/main/SiteGen/TC_SDN_NFV/Content/Home.html
Emeritus Trustee, Internet Society - ISOC (www.isoc.org)
IPv6 Ready & Enabled Logos Program Board (www.ipv6ready.org)
World summit Award Board Member (www.wsis-award.org )
Research Fellow @ University of Luxembourg on multiple European Commission Next Generation Technologies IST Projects
Member of 3GPP PCG (Board) (www.3gpp.org)
Member of 3GPP2 PCG (www.3gpp2.org)
Member of UN Strategy Council
Member of Future Internet Forum EU Member States (representing Luxembourg)